Winter Chill...
100 things I love
(2005-08-07, 8:16 a.m.)
I stole this from xquzme, you have to pick 100 things that you love. But it not supposed to be the obvious, like tornados or puppy breathe. It�s supposed to make you actually think deep down into your essence and see what makes you click. I might have to slip in there somewhere some obvious things, things that wouldn�t make me who I am today. So, without further ado, here�s my list, In no particular order:

1. My niece, yeah I know obvious, but so what, this is my blog!
2. The way the Earth smells after the rain.
3. A kitten getting sleepy, while sitting on your shoulder, purring.
4. Calvin and Hobbes.
5. A baby sleeping on your chest.
6. A cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows.
7. Midnight charades.
8. Staying up until the wee hours of the morning.
9. Having a bonfire.
10. Snowball fights.
11. Sandals that show off my painted toe nails.
12. Sitting so close to the fireworks show you can feel the �boom�.
13. People watching.
14. Making love in the rain.
15. Music of Dave Matthews Band.
16. A man�s torso.
17. Dessert- in all it�s forms.
18. Riding a motorcycle.
19. Grilled hamburgers and macaroni salad.
20. Autumn.
21. Waterfalls.
22. My cats.
23. Growing things in my garden.
24. Finishing a cross-stitch project.
25. Road trips, with no place in mind for a destination.
26. Shoes, preferably black and with some form of heel.
27. Jewelry, as long as it�s big and sparkly.
28. Roller coasters.
29. The first kiss from someone you really like.
30. The Moon.
31. Spooning with someone you love.
32. Purple pens.
33. Looking at houses, and house plans.
34. Warm windy days in March.
35. Snow piles to sled down.
36. Playing cards with the family at get togethers.
37. 2005 Ford Mustang GT in blue.
38. Uniformed football players, especially their butts!
39. Cinnamon sugar donuts and apple cider.
40. Carving pumpkins.
41. Tattoos.
42. Making my friends laugh.
43. When the snow is so thick and heavy, it sits on everything, and blankets it in white.
44. In bed at night with the windows open, listening to the frogs croak and crickets chirp.
45. Waking up in the morning with the sun on my face.
46. Falling stars.
47. Northern Lights.
48. Discovering a new author or book.
49. John Wayne movies.
50. Picnics.
51. When the house smells like baked apple pie.
52. Dancing.
53. Spending a day on the tractor cutting Grandma�s grass.
54. A day at the beach.
55. Making out, no sex involved.
56. Hot air balloons.
57. The scent of a good cigar or pipe.
58. Driving around town looking at Christmas lights.
59. Getting a phone call from an out of town friend.
60. Crawling into bed with freshly shaved legs and clean sheets that have dried outside in the sun all day.
61. Reading my horoscope.
62. The sound of my wind chimes, all 16, on a breezy day.
63. Sitting on the porch having a drink by candle light.
64. The ambiance of candle light.
65. A man who smells like the outside, fresh and musky.
66. Cousin dinners.
67. Planning parties.
68. Slippers, in all shapes and sizes.
69. 69. I know obvious.
70. Looking at old family photos.
71. When I�m in bed, and all the cats are with me keeping me warm.
72. Fog on a cool morning.
73. Yoga.
74. Getting a pedicure/manicure
75. Taking a tub with someone you love.
76. The way my house is decorated.
77. Chinese food.
78. Rotating disco balls on my Yule tree.
79. Cooking, anything and everything.
80. Listening to the rain fall.
81. Taking an afternoon nap.
82. Crystal candleholders.
83. Watching the cats while they watch the birds outside.
84. Nightlights.
85. Hand me down furniture from family members.
86. Blankets, thin, thick, knitted, crochet, anything that you can wrap up in.
87. Watching a cat getting ready to pounce on a toy.
88. Having change in my pockets to give to my niece.
89. Hearing my niece say �dammit� after hearing her aunt say it.
90. Frogs.
91. Hats, because I look good in any kind of hat.
92. Crushes.
93. My Merlin statue from a dear friend.
94. Pictures of faraway places.
95. Fresh flowers in the house.
96. Going to listen to live music.
97. Walking into a bar with my cousin who is 6�1� and a redhead, and me when I get my shit kickers on, I�m 6� and have light auburn hair, and everyone stops to look at us.
98. Sitting outside at grandma�s house at 3 a.m. listening to the trains go by.
99. Hearing the highway traffic from my front porch.
100. Grandma chicken and marinated cucumbers.

There you have it, and wow, that was kind of difficult. I will probably keep adding things to it, maybe I can even reach another hundred. I do have to say that the thing about the list, is that not only do I love everything on it, but I�m thankful that I can experience them. So for me, this is my thankful list also.

On another note, Tony IM'ed me friday night and we were chatting, and he apologized for being such a shit. I accepted his apology, but he kept going on about how he fucked up...I was, yeah you did. So anyway, last night we were talking and he apologized again. Okay I get it, you're feeling remorseful that your an asshat. So I asked him why he did it and he said that he had met some woman and instead of being honest with me, he came up with all his excuses. And in the end, she ended up using him, and broke his heart. Well, I know what that's like, it sucks. We talked some more, and he really would like to try it again with me. In fact, he wants me to take friday off, and go to see Journey with him, his son, and brothers family. I have the time in my vacation bank, but I just don't trust my car to get me to his place. I'm to broke to rent a car for a day, and I have to work on sunday at the tile shop. Yes, I could easily trade with someone, but I really need all the hours I can get on this next paycheck. So I told him that I would let him know monday. He can't believe that I'm talking to him, and part of me can't either. But I keep remembering the pink bracelet from the psychic fair, and my mantra, things happen for a reason, we might not know why, that's the fun of discovery!