Winter Chill...
Bonus and vacation plans
(2005-06-28, 11:12 p.m.)
Holy Cow! I had heard some rumors last friday that we were going to get a bonus today, but half the stuff that comes out of some of the people, you can't believe, so I wasn't planning on getting anything. Was I wrong. Got a bonus...and a nice one at that. Unfortunatly, it's already spent, but only because I would rather pay some bills now, and then when vacation roll around and I road trip it to Frankenmuth and Mackinaw City, I will have some cash. Actually, if I didn't have to pay for my surgery, I'd have a ton of cash! Speaking of vacation, only three more days! Yeah! Getting excited about that, and a bit nervous about the surgery. But like Kristen says, I'm going to have the best nurse to take care of me, Kristen!!!

So on the agenda for tomorrow, hit the farmers market, make my house payment, pay my home phone bill, and then my cell phone bill, make a computer payment, go get the newest book from Janet Evanovich, probably should go get some more cat food, and then maybe put some gas in my car. If it's nice, I would like to come home and get some sun. I really need to weed my flower garden, but I could do it this weekend. In talking with Kristen tonight, I might head up to her cottage on saturday for the day, maybe stay the night, just not sure yet. If it's in the upper 80's like I've seen, I might just stay home in the cool air conditioned comfort and read my new book.

I completely forgot until today when my sister in law called me, I have to watch Baby Girl on friday, from 8-2. Going to be a long day. Then I have to watch her on tuesday of next week, I'm having a picnic lunch with my friend Jen and her two boys on wednesday, Frankenmuth thursday, and surgery friday! It's going to be nice to not do anything the following weekend but recover! It's so amazing to me that when I take a vacation, I still seem to be freaking busy! Oh yeah, and one thing I forgot, depending on how much money I spend on my day trips, I might go get a new tattoo, or get my nose pierced. The tattoo would be easier to hide from the parental units, but the piercing would most likely be less expensive. So I shall have to wait and see...

The pillows are calling to me...