Winter Chill...
My Ramblin Bill interview
(2005-06-25, 12:49 p.m.)
Okay, I finally had some time today to answer the burning questions from Ramblin-Bill. So go grab a beverage of choice, maybe a snack, and be prepared to be WOWED!

1. If you want to participate in the fun too, send an email to [email protected] with a subject line that says interview me!
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. An entire journal entry must be devoted to answering the questions I ask you - and you have to answer each and every one of them honestly.
4. In your question answering entry, you have to include an explanation of the rules, much like this, and offer to interview others.
5. When others ask to be interviewed, you need to ask them five original questions.
Those are the rules - at least to my understanding. So without further ado, here's the Q and A...

1. I hope you haven't answered this in an early journal entry that I haven't read, because if you did I am going to feel like a jack ass - but what's the origin for the name moonfaeryy?
Don�t feel like a jack ass�.Honestly, I don�t remember if I discussed the origins of my name in any entries, so here goes. I choose the moon because of my love of all things celestial, I am affected by the power and energy of the moon. I just feel a real connection with it. As for faeryy, I believe in the Little Ones, and when someone mention a faeryy, I always get that picture in my head of a beautiful female, long hair, wings that are iridescent, fluttering by, or playing in a field of flowers. I just think that faeries are beautiful creatures, and they don�t get enough recognition.

2. Since the beginning of time, many scholars and theologians have attempted to answer the following question: "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?" What are your thoughts?
Hmmmm�.well, that�s rather perplexing. And since scholars and theologians haven�t been able to answer, I will give it my best shot. If a wood chuck put in an 8 hour day, I would say they would actually chuck wood for roughly 3.5 hours, and then go hide in the basement workroom and take a nap for a good 3 hours, and then take the mandatory 1 hour lunch break, and then give themselves enough time to sit on the shitter and read the latest issues of �PlayChuck�, I think that�s how a wood chuck would work. Which, it�s really not answering the question per se, but this is my diary, and I will take all the liberties that I�m allowed.

3. What's your favorite memory from childhood?
Wow, this is the one that I had issues with. I would have to say, I have two. I remember that on some Memorial Day weekends, my mom�s side of the family would get together and have a mini-family reunion. You have to understand, my grandmother lived next door to her two sisters, and her brother�s family live just down the road, maybe a quarter of a mile, and on the other side of grandma and grandpa�s house, was my great-grandma�s house, which at the time housed my Aunt, Uncle, their two kids, and occasionally Nilliem and her brother. In between grandma�s and Uncle�s house was a big field. We would get all the adults who were willing, and all the cousins who could and play softball. I don�t remember who it was, but someone put the softball thru on of the windows at my Uncle�s house once! We would have the traditional summer food, grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, macaroni salad, pasta salad, marinated cucumbers, chips and dip, watermelon and seed spitting contests, desserts up the wazoo, grandma was a fantastic dessert maker. And when I was old enough to learn how to play, we would have euchre games galore. I miss those days. The second would have to be Christmas Eve at grandma and grandpa�s house. Grandma and grandpa had a tiny house, I think it was around 800-900 square foot, and when you got everyone in there, it was nice and cozy. Dad and Uncle would have the honors of grilling the steak, and one time, Uncle turned the gas grill on, and when he went to light it, he had his face a little to close to it, and singed his eyebrows off. Dad never let him forget it either. <3 Miss you Uncle <3. After my grandpa died in 1990, we did Christmas Eve a couple more times, then it got to be to much for grandma, and she just started rotating between her children where she went. Again, I miss those times.
4. What�s the one thing you�d like to be remembered for?
I would really like to be remember for being such a cool kick ass aunt. I would like it so that my nieces and nephews could come to me if they had a problem, that I would be a friend to them, but also be stern and try to teach them a lesson in a positive way. Come on, everyone remembers how it was when your parents got into you shit for doing things. I would want them to know that they could come to me and I wouldn�t judge, like some parents would. Oh yeah, liberties again�.and for my great cooking skills.
5. In a recent journal entry. you admitted to storing perfume in your refrigerator and candles in your freezer. What other things are there about you that someone might find unusual?
I could only come up with a couple of things that others might find unusual. I never, never, never wash any of my linens in anything but cold water. I took a textiles class in college, and hot water breaks the fabric down faster, so ever since then, only cold water for me. Plus, it saves on the electric bill! I use mens deodorant and razors. No, I�m not a lesbian, I just find that using mens deodorant, you get more for less, and it last longer then womens. As far as the razors, you get more shaves out of mens than you do womens. I think the womens are made to break down faster, so you have to buy more, and for the price of the damn things, I�m going to get my money�s worth.

Okay, so there you have it, some more tidbits of knowledge about me. I hope you like it, and if anyone wants to be interviewed, just drop me line. Thanks to Ramblin-Bill for the thought provoking questions. Now tis time for a nap, and then I have a party to go to tonight�.