Winter Chill...
Bright flowers that I work with
(2005-03-28, 11:40 p.m.)
Let me give you a little bit more info on my job. About a year and a half ago, the hospital built a ambulatory surgery center to the tune of 8.2 million dollars, for outpatient cases. Now this place is roughly a mile away from the main hospital, but it is still on the hospital campus. One of my job responsibilities is to transport surgery case carts, trash, linens, and equipment from the main hospital to the center. It's about a mid-size U-Haul truck, to give you some idea as to the size. There are at least four runs done during the day. The same person that does it at 5:45am also goes at 11:00am and then I go at 2:45pm and occasionally 5:45pm. Today at the 2:45 run, I was turning a corner, and I heard some movement in the back of the truck, just figuring that the laundry cart wasn't tied down tight, it has happened before. Well, I make the last turn to get to the loading dock, and it sounds like all hell is breaking loose back there. Get the truck parked and open the back door, and there was a nice piece of equipment used for nerve testing, that had tumbled over, because the dumbfucks didn't tie it down properly. There are two sets of tie downs in the truck, so they had something to use. They had taken the power cord and just tied it in a knot around the tie down that was keeping the laundry cart in place. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING? I called the guy who is filling in for bossman while he's on vacation and told him to get over here and look at this. I was just totally amazed that they thought it was going to keep it from moving. Tying the fucking power cord! I work with some really bright people. Last I knew, the guy who works the equipment was going to go over and see if it would work. Bright flowers indeed.

I talked with my friend Jen today. She lives like 6 miles away from me and I just haven't had time to do much of anything with her lately. But, alas she pissed me off today. I'm not sure if I have mentioned it, but my cousin gave up a child for adoption 18 years ago, and last september/october he contacted her and did the meeting and all is happy and good. Well, he and I share an affection for all thing mystical, so we hang out occasionally. Well, I told Jen about him, and hanging with him, and she thinks that is really weird. I don't understand what's weird about it. But I really didn't get a chance to get a good answer from her, because she had to go to the dentist. Whatever.

Easter was nice. Baby Girl was the cutest thing ever. I took my puter to mom and dad's and was watching the Aqua Teen Hunger Force discs Annie gave me. Earlier in the day, I had made a playlist from all the Enigma CD's I burned, so I turned on media player and feel asleep listening to that. Apparently I was putting on quite a show with my snoring, but I think they were just lying to me......I don't snore!!!!

The birthday bash is really shaping up. Most everybody that I gave invites to are going to be able to come. A good time will be had by all.

There is something wrong with my right eye. Not really the eye itself, just the surrounding area. It feels like it's bruised, but it's not, at least on the outside.

I think it's time to say good night, I have some beasties who are itching for some attention.....

Oh yeah, if you are wondering, I'm beating Jill by ten points so far in the Tourney! Go State!