Winter Chill...
Him I part I
(2005-03-27, 12:06 a.m.)
His mom moved the family into the neighborhood late in the summer I turned 15. He wasn�t even the guy that I was interested in at first. He was the oldest of nine kids, and I wanted to get to know the fourth brother, M. And I did for about two months, until M freaked out and decided we would be better just being friends. Which hurt, but what are you going to do. I really don�t even remember how it started it with Him. He would go over to his moms for lunch during work, or come over and help her do things around the house. I was always hanging out there, I think in the hopes that M would reconsider. Thankfully M didn�t. Of course there was a lot of flirting and sexual innuendo tossed between He and I, but I thought it was just ego boosting on both sides. I never thought it would lead to one of the most passionate affairs of my life.

Our flirtation continued during the autumn and winter months. It was very hard to really like him and want to be with him, but not being able to. Soon enough, spring arrived and I turned 16, and got my first job at Baskin-Robbins. He would always stop in and get an ice cream cone before going home from work. We would try to spend as much time as we could, but with different schedules it was hard. Plus, the fact that we had to hid our romance from my parents made it harder. I have never asked them if they knew that there was something going on between He and I, it will probably be one of those questions you don�t ask until they are ready to leave this world.

Now, by this time, it was just notes, talking on the phone, and seeing each other, schedules permitting. That summer, things escalated between us. I had to work a double shift at BR on a Saturday, so I had come home between shifts to have some dinner and take a shower. During this time, mom and dad would go up to the land we owned and spent weekends up there. Yes, mom and dad were gone and brother was at work himself. I was home alone. I�m in the kitchen cooking, and I hear a knock on the garage door. I turn around to see Him standing there. He comes in, and unfortunately he has been drinking. He wasn�t drunk, just had a buzz going. We�re talking and he moves closer to me, just enough for me to feel how glad he is to see me, and puts his arms around me and kisses me. That was our first kiss, albeit a buzzed kiss, but that set a chain of events off for the next 6 months, that I will forever keep close to my heart�