Winter Chill...
Cat Fight!!!!
(2005-05-30, 5:10 a.m.)
It's now 5:10 in the morning and about an hour ago I was awakened to the worst sound a cat person hates to hear, a cat fight of epic proportions. I was sleeping soundly and I heard the ruckus out in the kitchen and I knew it was no ordinary fight. I literally jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen to see what the hell was going on. Kirby is under the table hissing, and Alani and Boo are going at it in the middle of the floor. I'm freaking out, trying to break it up between them, and then Kirby jumps into the window sill and starts hissing and growling. That fucking black and white that roams the neighborhood was sitting on my picnic table hissing at my kids. I'm still trying to break it up between the girls and get the fucking window shut. Somewhere in the process, I have a nice chunck of skin taken off my left middle finger, hurts like a mofo. I finally get the girls somewhat separated, but they head into the bedroom and start over again. Now I know they weren't fighting because they don't like each other, it was because of that other cat. So don't be thinking that I need to get rid of one of the cats. I'm screaming at them to stop it, which in hindsight, probably wasn't the best thing to do, but I didn't want either of them to get seriously hurt. Boo's on the bed, Alani's on the floor, Kirby's sitting on a chair under the table, and there is still a lot of hissing and growling going on. So I spent some time talking and holding each one, trying to get them to calm down. The kittens were in the bedroom under the bed, peaking their heads out wondering what in the hell was going was kind of cute. I do have to admit that I was very glad they weren't involved in the scuffle. The only injuries that appear to be sustained, is that Kirby has a scratch on his nose.

So now I'm pissed. I can't have my fucking windows opened without having to worry about that cat coming back and doing who knows what else. And I can't got to the park manager and complain, because when I moved in, I never told her that I have cats. You are only allowed a two pet minimum and your rent is 5 dollars more per pet per month. I can understand if you have an outside pet, but I don't, so I didn't tell her. Unfortunatly, I'm going to have to do what I hate. My dad has a cat trap, I'm going to borrow it and hopefully trap the cat and take it to the pound. Getting on my soapbox for a minute. Probably one of the BIGGEST pet pevees of mine is people who don't take care of their pets. I don't think they should be allowed to roam the neighborhood. If you want to have an outside pet, then provide all the things that are necessary for it: food, shelter, containment,and water. If you can't do that, then you shouldn't have a pet. It breaks my heart everytime I see an animal that is dead by the side of the road. Oh my gosh, and I cannot watch that show on Animal Planet, the one about animal cops. I just cry when I see injustice done to animals. Now I don't want you to think that I don't have feelings for humans, because I do. It breaks my heart also to hear about abused children, or women. I'm not trying to be a downer, but this world is filled with all kinds of nastiness, and it shouldn't be that way.

Back to the cats. I had gone out into the kitchen after a bit, and that fucking cat was sitting on the table again looking inside the house. So I yelled at it to get the fuck out of here, and I actually went outside to try to find it and scare it away. I know he just wants some attention and love, but I can't give it to him. And I'm already starting to feel guilty for what I'm going to do, but I have to think about my family first. God, I hate caring about animals like I do. I'd make a good catholic with all the guilt I carry around.

So after hours of chatting with Tony last night, we decided that he is going to come here for the weekend of June25-26. Actually he wants to come here on friday night, and I would rather he get here saturday. I have to work friday until 11, so it would be rather pointless to be here then. Then the following weekend I start my vacation, so I'm going down to see him that weekend. nbbbbbbbbGNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGN That's from Eli....I can't leave the puter on the bed and walk away!

Okay, back to the Tony situation. I'm starting to get freaked out by how well we get along. Yes, it's only been internet conversations, but still. We were talking last week, and I made the comment that it's very hard for me let someone "in". And I think he could be someone that I would do that with. Which is scary. Part of me is exicted by what's going on, and another is afraid that he might be just another guy. And frankly, I hate waiting, wondering how this is going to play out. I'm an instant satisfaction kind of person, I hate to wait for anything. Drives my mom nuts, especially around christmas time!

But I digress....We'll it is now 6:30, I think the beasties are calmed down enough,not sure about me though. I will try to get some more sleep, keep your fingers crossed. Oh yeah, and the freaking cat came back again, about 15 minutes ago. Totally sucks that I can't have my windows open to get some fresh, cool, morning air in the house. GRRRRR I guess that's what the fan mode on the AC is for!