Winter Chill...
Tony Talk
(2005-06-09, 11:50 p.m.)
I think I have to get rid of Boo...I'm not really sure what is going on with her. Let me start with last night. That black and white was back last night, not a big deal, the house has been closed up, but she freaked when it was sitting outside. She was doing her hissing and growling, pacing from one window to the other, meowing loudly. I hauled ass out into the kitchen, to make sure nobody was fighting, and they weren't. This was at 1:30 in the morning too. I pounded on the window to scare the cat away, then I went outside with a glass of water, just in case. Sidenote, the damn cat has sprayed by my front door, and now it smells when I open the door, extra task for tomorrow. Thankfully it was gone. Well, tonight I get home, and Kirby was the bedroom door, and I guess she wanted in, and the only way she thought she could do it was by fighting with him. Fur starts flying, I'm screaming at them and they run into the corner under a chair. Alani comes running over like she wants to get a piece of the action, but I grab her and throw her in the bathroom and shut the door. Finally, I get a glass of water and throw some of it at her, and she retreats to the bed, but I could tell that she was still pissed, the hair was standing up on her back and the tail was all fluffy. I'm talking to her, telling her that she needs to stop that shit, and I won't tolerate it. Yeah, effective on a cat. Now she's hiding under the bed and the kittens are there also. Kirby has been nothing but nice to her and the babies, so I don't understand it. He is still in the bedroom under the chair, I brought him out to the kitchen and he went right back in there. So...if she keeps up with this kind of shit, I will have to take her to the vet. Which is something that I absolutly hate to do, but I can't have a cat that starts fights. She hasn't been pissy with Alani since Memorial weekend, maybe it's just a phase she going thru. I don't know....

For the last couple of nights, I've been IMing with Tony,and it's been really nice. We've talked about everything under the sun, and then some! Of course, when you are chatting, there's a lot of flirting going on, and there is a little sexual undertone in some of the comments. Hold that thought. He said something the other night, he is nervous about coming here and I asked him why? He said that because we live so far away from each other and he really likes me, and we both have careers. I told him that it didn't need to be that serious so fast, lets just take our time and take it easy. So last night, with some of the comments that were flying, I told him that I didn't want a "relationship" with him that was based purely on sex. I'm to freaking old for that shit now, I would just like to find a nice guy and not ncessarily settle down and get married, but just be committed to someone. His comment was, if we do, we do, if we don't, we don't, but we'll still be friends. Which I'm not sure how to take. Granted, it's been a while, a long time, ages, since I've actually had sex, so it would be nice to get some, but I don't want that to be the only reason for him to come here. Now who's getting to serious. He couldn't stay up tonight to talk to me, apparently our two hour conversations the last two nights, plum tuckered him out. I'm trying to figure out things to do while he's here. We talked about going to see an Egyptian exhibit at the local museum, his comment was, "if you are my date, then yes I would like to go." Nope, going to send one of the cats with you! Silly man. We're going to do that, go to the Farmers Market, we have a really great garden area in town also. And down byt he river, we have a river walk. We talked about dinner, and I had mentioned I make a killer lasagna, so we might do that, or we have two new restaurants in town, Mongolian BBQ and BoneDaddy's, it's a bbq joint. Yummy. Now that I think about it, he would probably like that better than the chinese.

I really can't tell you how happy I am, but yet at the same time apprehensive. Is this to good to be true? Is he going to be just like the ohter guys, an asshole who's only looking for a piece of ass? Frankly, I hate waiting to find things out, so the next two weeks are going to positively kill me. Oh yeah, and Jeanette asked me tonight if I'm settling for this guy. What the fuck? We were talking about him and I told her, that I normally go for the brown hair, brown eye guys who are taller than me. He's got brown-reddish hair, and blue eyes, and is my height. So who knows, maybe I don't know what I like! I do know that I'm getting sleepy, so I think I will retire and quit boring you with my love life story...for now anyway!

Acutally, I'm not done, I just remembered something. I have been thinking about taking up a new hobby, well I have discovered it. Beading. It is so fun! I made two different bracelets today, and tomorrow I'm going to go get some more stuff. Everything I have currently is in the purple,lavender, amethyst color tones. I think I will get blue and maybe green next.

Okay now it's time to say goodnight...

Oh yeah, and the Pistons lost the first game tonight. Grrrrr