Winter Chill...
Veggie Tales
(2005-04-26, 12:24 a.m.)
I was a complete vegtable on sunday. I woke up with really nice headache, that wouldn't go away, no matter how many different pharmaceuticals I kept taking. Both legal and really...I'm serious...oh yeah, and the headache wasn't because I was out drinking up a storm on saturday. I know that the freaking weather affects both my sinuses and my breathing. I can pretty much tell you when we are going to be getting some form of percipitation. It probably would have been easier to get rid of if it was a hangover.

Today at work was okay. We have a new employee at the tile shop. When I left on thursday, no mention of her, and today I walk in and look at the schedule, and boom, there she is. It actually doesn't affect me, she will be working most afternoons that Jill leaves early...which is everyday!!

The hospital was the black hole of despair that is has always been. As you may remember, thursday was not a good day there, and friday wasn't much better. I'm not going into the whole thing, lets just say that I did the minimal amount that I could get away with. And I left early! Oh, I'm a rebel!! When I started to do it today, the rooms pretty much looked like they did when I left friday. So I'm trying to figure out if I can get away with only doing it three times a week...I'll let you know how that goes in the future...

Oh, and Kristen called me friday and we ended up chatting for three hours. We played "Who Would You Rather?" and then we tried to figure out what kind of underwear the guys wear in the OR. We feel that the majority wears boxers then boxer briefs, and then the not so fashionable tighty whiteys. Gosh I'm going miss not having her in the OR this summer. She will be at the hospital, just doing nurse extern stuff on the floors. She's got finals this week, and will be home this weekend!
