Winter Chill...
Beasties pics
(2005-04-24, 12:40 a.m.)
okay....since I had started an entry and Tyson felt the need to walk on the keyboard and delete the freaking entry, here's some pics. This is the culprit who deleted...

Here's the babies....I know you will be able to see two of them....I like my camera phone, but I wish the pics were a bit better...

This is one of from front to back, Boo, the mama, Lucifer, the daddy, and Kirby...

Here's her favorite sleeping spot, at the head of the bed...

This is Lucifer again with Crockett, my catnip addicted cat...

I got a pic of Fatman...

I had a really shitty friday, and I'm too tired to write about it I will save for later...

I hope you enjoy the beasties pics. Now if I talk about one of them, you know who it is!

The pillows are calling me loudly...