Winter Chill...
What to do with the Weekend?
(2005-05-26, 11:39 p.m.)
I'm not going to go see Tony this weekend. His boss has decided that he wants to open the store this weekend. Okay, What?The?Fuck? Ron, his boss, seems to think that with people not doing as much travelling these days with the high gas prices, they will get a lot of business. I'm sorry, it's not that I doubt Tony, but I know plenty of people who are travelling this weekend. And even if people stay home, I highly doubt that picking out tile is going to be high on the list of things to do. But that's just me. Tony did tell Ron that he is screwing up his date weekend, and Ron said that he would make it up to Tony. We'll see. So, I get to do all the things that I want to...sleep in, clean the house, maybe work in the flower garden if the weather is nice, take lots of naps...just be lazy.

Since I don't know how to do that cool little link here, I think everyone needs to go read Wombatcity's entry from today. Makes you stop and appreciate the sacrifice that the men and women of the Armed Forces have done for us. At some point this weekend, I will be raising my glass for a silent toast and prayer for those who have lost their lives, and those that continue to sacrifice so that we may live in America.

I got to sleep in my own bed last night. It was so sweet...Eli was curled up on the edge of the bed, and Karma was right by my hip, so I turned off the light and put Eli next to Karma and scooted down in bed to where they were in my the crock of my arm, and I was out in 3 minutes. I guess I never rolled over on them, they were full of piss and vinegar this morning...and are tonight. I'm hoping they start to simmer down in a few, I'm getting tired.