Winter Chill...
Lots of miscellaneous stuff
(2005-05-27, 10:58 p.m.)
So has anyone tried the new FlavorSplash water from Aquafina? That stuff is the bomb. I'm partial to the wild berry flavor, but the raspberry's not bad either.

I left the kittens to roam with the big cats today when I went to work at the tile shop. when I got home I was holding Peyton, and he has a scratch on his nose. It could have been from one of the other kittens, but I think Alani did it. So they were separated before I went to the hospital. I left the tile shop early today, I just couldn't stand to be there any longer. I got home and was able to cut my grass. I was afraid that with the all the rain we are supposed to get, I wouldn't have a chance to get it done this weekend. It took me all of 15 minutes to do it. I should have weed whacked, but that can wait until monday, supposed to be nice then.

Mark, the HOT new anesthesia intern and I were talking tonight about music and concerts. I've been to 9 concerts in my life, and I'm 34. He's been to 12 and he's only 20. I had to go and grab some stuff from the suture room and bring it back to the workroom. He tells me that he never would have guessed that I was 34...he thought I was only 25. Let me tell ya...a comment like that coming from a hottie like him, made my freaking day!!!! Maybe I need to rethink this whole dating only older guys. If he thought I was only 25, maybe hook up with some young, buff, hottie, and tell him I'm only 25. See if I can get any action that way.

So the kittens are playing King of the Mountain on one of my stands. I have a chair in the corner of my room, and sitting next to that is a floor fan, and then the stand. So they hop up into the chair, walk on top of the fan, and over to the stand. There's two shelves on the stand and they each have claimed a shelf. I'm sure you can imagine the hijinks that are happening. Just had a head on collision between Karma and Peyton. I swear, sometimes they are so rough with each other, it's scary. Eli has discovered the joy of a straw. That's something that Lu does, grabs a straw in his mouth like a dog, and runs with it. Rather funny to see.

I talked with Kristen tonight, she's got tomorrow off since her preceptor has a funeral to go to. So we might go check out a movie or something. I told her I have to clean the house. It is an absolute disaster. Normally I would have kept up with it during the week, I just didn't have the energy to do anything. I still have to pay bills, so we might not be doing anything if I run out of money. I did tell mom that I would stop by there for a bit tomorrow. Found out this week that my dad is borderline diabetic. Something you have to understand about my dad, he has the ultimate negative outlook on everything. He has already convinced himself that he's going to have to start taking pills and get insulin shots. Well for the last two nights, that's all mom has had to listen to dad bitch about. Well, they are going to try to control it with diet first, and he was going off about, "if you think I'm going to count this and do that, I'm just not going to do it!!" I feel bad for mom, but I don't know what to tell her or do for her. She's married to him, I'm not. And if I was with someone like that, I wouldn't be! Yet another reason to stay single! I love my parents, don't think I don't.

Well, the kittens are eating, so I hope that will calm them down enough so I can get some sleep. I would love to be able to sleep in tomorrow, but I have lots of errands to run in the morning. Plus, I think that since I've been getting up around 7 everyday this week, I'll do the same tomorrow. My body has been trained to get up at that time. Now if I could only train it to get rid of the fat on it, I would be all set!!!