Winter Chill...
Busy Week and assholes ego maniacs!
(2005-08-03, 12:03 a.m.)
okay...I know it's been like 5 days...holy crap Batman! There's been a lot of shit happening, and most of it revolves around the group. Long story short, I'm leaving. There's a lot of bullshit going on, and I'm just not dealing with it anymore.

Got a hug from Hot Mark today....that was nice. Kristen started working in Anesthesia today. One of the Techs has a herniated disc, so K is covering for her until she can come back. Which is fucking awesome! It was pretty funny. Yesterday George, the manager of the department, walking into the workroom and said the K would be starting today at 11am. I did the Tiger W@@ds arm pump and said Yes! George smiled at me and said that she was coming to work and not to play with me! I was awesome! When I told K what he said, she couldn't believe that she was getting in trouble and she wasn't even working yet!

I downloaded iTunes a couple of weeks ago, and just started playing with it today. I have been using Windows Media Player, but I told mom that I just wanted money for christmas so I can buy an iPod. So today, I wanted to copy Jill's new Rob Thom@s CD. Well, when I put it in and hit the media player, it wouldn't do a fucking thing. So I started messing with iTunes, to see if I could get a copy of it that way. Well, I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to get it to copy. So I chatted with Hot Mark and he told me what I need to do. So I will attempt it again tomorrow!

Today at dinner, Annie, Kristen and I were sitting at the table yacking like we normally do. Apparently some guy in a big old cowboy hat walked in, but I missed it. Well, Mark, who is a totally different guy and not hot, walks up to us and says, "Hey I wasn't blowing you off, I just don't get to see Jackie that often" So? That means what to us? We really don't give a shit. Finally the cowboy walks out to where we can see him, and Annies makes the comment to Mark about having some competition. His comment was, "Oh no, she's a happily married woman and just had a baby, she wouldn't do that sort of thing." Would you get fucking over yourself!!!! You are not that great of "catch" as you think you are. So anyway, I look at Kristen and she's looking at me, and I say, "Were we even talking about that?" I mean, the ego of this guy is so amazingly huge, it's mind-blowing that he thinks everyone's life revolves around him. So that's our now catch phrase, "She's happily married and just had a baby." We laughed about it all fucking night.

So anyway, I'm working both jobs this week, everyday. Tile shop from 9-1, hospital 2:30-11, so I'm pretty tired, and it's only Tuesday night. Damn. I've already stayed up later than what I was expecting!

Oh, something that I hate, assholes who pull out in front of me when there is no other car behind me. Fuckstains.