Winter Chill...
Father's Day Weekend
(2005-06-19, 9:55 p.m.)
I'm tired. It's been a good but short weekend. Friday night when I got home from work, I had to make dessert and macaroni salad for our MidSummer Celebration. I've got my water boiling, waiting for the macaroni to cook, and I grab my cucumbers and celery out of the fridge. It was frozen. I was pissed. I was having issues with the temp in the fridge a while ago, and I had turned it down, but apparently not enough. I didn't have time or money to go grab some more, so my salad ended up just having pasta, cheese, and eggs. My cousin told me just to cut it up and by the time I would serve it, the stuff would be thawed, but I just couldn't feed my friends thawed veggies. Sorry cousin! I also made lemon silk bars, and a chocolate silk pie, YUMMY! I was done and in bed by 1:30, which I thought was pretty good.
I had to work saturday morning at the tile shop, boring. I had one customer in and he was a turd. He wanted to tile around his sink, but he wanted something right now. Sorry, we don't have room to stock everything we carry. The earliest I could have something for him would be tuesday. He finds some glass tile, which I would have on tuesday, but he really didn't like the $14 dollar a square foot price tag. Again, sorry, we can't give it to you for free. Then he did one of my pet pevees, he asked me if there were any other tile stores in town. Take your fat ass out to Lowes or Home Depot and get some shitty second run tile from there. Don't waste my time, butthead.
Tom showed up to my place around 2 and we headed out to our celebration. The weather yesteday was really crappy, cloudy, and cool. I don't think it hit 60 degrees. Kristen had called my earlier in the day and invited me out to Lisa's house so I wanted to hit that also. By the time we got done with dinner and having a little bonfire, we left around 9, and Kristen picked my up at 10.30 and we headed out to Lisa's. I had never been there before, and she has a fabulous house. It's sitting on a slight hill, and out in the back yard there is a kidney shaped pond with a fountain in it, a fire pit off the the right side, and they just put a pool in last week. They also have a hot tub sitting on the lower deck that wraps around the pool. There is an upper deck that holds their grill and outside table and chairs. The back of the house faces the east, so as we were sitting by the fire, I was watching the moon rise, and it was beautiful. There were still clouds floating around, so it was playing hide and seek with me. It was so peaceful. Before the moon came out, I was just sitting there listening to the fountain and watching the fireflies meander by. We made smores, and Lisa finally came down, everyone else had left. We sat around the fire until 1:30, talking about things we did that could have gotten us into trouble. Of course, I'm an angel, so I didn't have any stories to tell....;-) Be quit Cousin!!! I got home by 2 and was in bed 10 minutes later. I didn't sleep as well as I thought I would, but that will happen tonight. Had strange dreams...
Today was spent at the parents house for Father's Day. Didn't do much, watched a little baseball, and took a nap. I was sleeping soundly, when
suddenly, I heard a high-pitched screech...Baby Girl was here. The next two and half hours was spent entertaining her. Plus I cooked dinner, I figured if I did that, I wouldn't have to do dishes. I'm smart that way! Now I'm home, in my jammers, watching the Pistons game, and I need to go throw some laundry in the dryer.
For those of you who have Yahoo Messenger, there are different messages you can have by your name, if you are available, get the drift. I had one up that said, at Aunt Lisa's for a bonfire. I think that is pretty obvious, I wasn't around. When I got home, Tony had IM'ed me twice. First time, hi. Second time, fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I was ignoring him on purpose. Give me a break. Get over yourself. And he hasn't been on yet tonight, unless he's invisible...
Only two more days until the golf outing! I'm getting excited now. And only four more working days until MY VACATION!!!!!!! I know, you're probably getting tired of hearing it, but I don't care. My trip to Kristen's family cabin isn't going to happen now. Apparently there is a big family shindig that weekend. Which is fine, I got to thinking, I will have to go back to the surgeon to have my stitches taken out on friday, so I'll just spend a quiet weekend home.
I think I've bored you to tears now, my cousin is always giving me shit about write novels when I update. I can't help it. I just have a lot to say.
Oh yeah, final thought, I walked into the bedroom today and Boo and Kirby were sleeping on the bed together. I'm really hoping she's over her attitude. I've been watching Kirby, and I think he's afraid of the kittens. I have no clue why. He just runs from them anytime they come near him.
Oh yeah...I stopped at the vet's today, the kitties were out. I walked up and this little cutie comes running over and starts talking to me.... She's so cute...I really think I need to go into some form of animal care...I showed the pic to mom, she was all, "you need to stop going there!!" So true...