Winter Chill...
The semi-return of Asshat
(2005-04-29, 12:34 a.m.)
After almost two months without showing is bald, black head, asshat called me tonight. WTF???? Leaves me a voicemail at home..."Yeah, call me." Now why in the hell would I want to do that? Then I get a text message on the cell that says, "Please Call". Again, let me ask you, why would I want to do that?

I was supposed to work at the tile shop on wednesday, but didn't show up...cuz I forgot! I got there today and looked at the schedule, and there I was, 9-12 for wednesday. Ooops! It was okay, Jill had shown up anyway, so the store was opened. Then they tell me that they were a bit concerned because I didn't show up, but didn't bother to call's a damn good thing I wasn't dead in the bathtub or something!!! ;-) So I talked to Linda and took her hours for friday. Which I'm starting to regret since I have to be up in 7 hours. Oh yeah... and I'm scheduled to work every morning next week. Holy shit, long week!

On a very positive note, Tony called me today...well, only because I called him first and he was just returning my call. But I was already at the hospital, so he said he would call me friday. Isn't it amazing how just hearing someone's voice can change your whole attitude?

So I have a double whammy coming up...not only do I have to deal with Mother's Day, but my dad's bday is three days later. So what do you get a guy who has everything, but a job? As for mom, she never wants anything, but if you don't get her something, dad, yeah dad, gets all pissy...