Winter Chill...
Oral surgery....
(2005-06-02, 12:28 a.m.)
Ugh. The appointment with the oral surgeon was kind if "meh". It's not good, but it's not real bad yet. The two upper wisdom teeth have grown into my sinuses. Yuck! So when he removes the teeth, I will have holes in my sinuses, which for the most part heal, but if not, then I will have to have more surgery to fix that. The right lower tooth is overlapping the nerve, so I might loose feeling in my check, jaw, tongue, and taste buds for a while. Generally, the feeling comes back after a while, but sometimes not, and sometimes only partially. Yeah me! So in 2-3 days I will be getting an estimate as to how much this is going to cost me. They will have it broken down, what insurance pays and what I have to pay. The really shitty thing, what ever I have to pay, I have to pay for up front. Yeah right! So I've tenatively scheduled it for july 8th, which is on my vacation. Oh yeah, and I asked about work, if he thought I was going to need time off and he asked me what I did, so I told him, stock OR, that I do a lot of bending and lifting. He was not really keen on me going back to work and doing those things. He suggested doing light duty work, and then after a week of that, doing my regular job. So, I've had to make a slight adjustment in my vacation plans. I was going to take off the 12-14 to hang with my cousin, well now I'm going to turn in the 11-13, and then call in on thursday and explain to my boss that I had to have the surgery while I was on vacation, and I still need another day off to get better. Hell, if I'm lucky, maybe I can get my doctor to get me time off for the whole week! So anyway, the surgery is going to take roughly 90 minutes, and they are going to knock me out. I've already talked with dad, he's going to be my ride there and home. The surgery is scheduled for 7:10 that day. I figure, get it over with as early in the morning as I can. If anyone wants to donate to the "Sara's got to get her wisdom teeth out" fund, let me know! ;-) I'm sure it would be tax deductible, and it's for a good cause!

Well, I have to be up in roughly 6.5 hours for work, later for now....